Men’s Weekly Bible Study

All men are invited to join us for this weekly off campus Bible study in the Gospel of John on Monday mornings at 7:30 at the Bald Guy Brew Coffee on Old 421 in Boone. This will be a 12 week study and everyone is invited.

Sunday Night Bible Study

We will kick off our Spring Sunday night Bible Study on Sunday, March 2nd at 6:00. Rusty will be leading a class in the Worship Center looking at “Apologetics and Defending our Faith”.  This is an important study in preparing Christians to learn how to answer the hard questions others may ask about the Christian faith.

Chili Cookout Fellowship

Join us on Sunday night, February 16 at 6:00 for our annual Chili-Cookoff. Everyone is invited to bring your favorite recipe and compete or just join us for a great night of churchwide fellowship. Prizes will be given for the best chili! This year we will have a Valentines theme with some fun games and entertainment.

Current Sermon Series

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 or 10:30 for our current sermon series on Spiritual Warfare called, “The Battle”. As we continue our series from the Fall, it is important for Christians to know what is actually happening around us in the spiritual realm and the part that Spiritual warfare plays. We dive back in February with a call to “Gear Up” as we look at our Spiritual armor and weapons.

Come Grow With Us – New Worship Times

We are excited that due to our continued growth we have added a new worship service on Sunday morning and changed our  worship times. We now have two identical worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 with small group Bible studies and Sunday school classes running concurrently. We are excited about this new opportunity to reach more people in our community and hope you will plan on being here for this exciting new chapter in the life of our church.

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Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m. (EST)

New Guests

What To Expect

We would love to have you attend any of our services. Find out how you get here, where you should park and all the basics.


Get Involved

We would love to have you attend any of our services. Find out how you get here, where you should park and all the basics.


Online Giving

We would love to have you attend any of our services. Find out how you get here, where you should park and all the basics.

Welcome to

First Baptist Blowing Rock

"A church is not the building you see from the road; that is the building that the church meets in. Here at First Baptist Church Blowing Rock, our church is a community of seekers, searchers and sinners all pursuing the incredible journey that comes from an intimate relationship with our creator."

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Blowing Rock! I am glad you have chosen to look deeper into who we are and what we feel called to be. I believe you will find the people who make up this church to be a beautifully God-centered people who are passionate in our faith, authentic in our struggles, and desperate to become who the bible says we are.

Blowing Rock is a unique town made up of long time locals, seasonal residents, retirees, college students from nearby Appalachian State, tourist, and young families looking to raise their kids in a small town environment. It has something for everyone from our beautiful mountains, seasonal weather and national forest to its “days gone by” atmosphere. It is this uniqueness that makes First Baptist Blowing Rock a wonderful place to worship and serve God.

I want to thank you for stopping by our website and for your interest in our church. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me; all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Our desire here at First Baptist is to be a place of spiritual rest, refuge and intimacy where you can find a Biblical community that serves and ministers to the surrounding area. We are striving to live, serve and follow in the steps of Jesus Christ as we share His message of grace, forgiveness and salvation.



Sunday Night Bible Study

March 2 @ 6:00 pm - April 27 @ 7:00 pm

Join us on Sunday nights this Spring at 6:00 in the worship center as Pastor […]

Men’s Monday Bible Study

January 27 @ 7:30 am - May 19 @ 8:30 am

All  men are invited to join us for a men’s small group Bible study of […]

Chili Cookoff and Fellowship

February 16 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join us for our annual Chili coookoff contest and fellowship on Sunday night, February 16th […]

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